Monday, March 12, 2007

CIA coup in Guatemala 1954: keeping United Fruit Company in power

Methods for brainwashing Americans into consenting
to the military invasion

Via: VideoSift

And that was only the beginning of things to come:

Fast forward to 47 years later... Electronic voting systems in the U.S. had recently been rigged to "elect" a corporatist president, along with a corporatist majority congress. The apparent purpose for this first crime was mainly to enable the world's petro-chemical and banking industry giants to expand their racket of fleecing, plundering, and pillaging the entire world's man-made and natural resources (including its people) without retribution. It has become clearer by the day, that the centerpiece of their scheme was/is to enable the banking/finance, pharmaceutical, commercial real estate, and fossil fuel energy industries to gain control of the financially independent, relatively "un-medicated", oil-rich nations of the world.

The corporatist president and his co-conspirators knew those coveted territories were impenetrable through any means other than military force, as those nations' religious, military, and political leaders (often one and the same) were able to call forth powerful resistance from their citizens against the corporate invaders. In order to induce a majority of U.S. citizens to consent to such a brutal infiltration, the corporate giants needed to create a "national crisis" -- a pretext for declaring war against one of those financially-independent, oil-rich nations -- the one they perceived to be the "weakest link".

In July of 2001, commercial real estate tycoon Larry Silverstein gets a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center, along with a 3.6 BILLION dollar insurance policy reworked to include coverage for Acts of Terrorism, as well as the right to rebuild if the structures are completely destroyed. Seven WEEKS later -- yes, WEEKS -- the buildings are completely destroyed by an Act of Terrorism. Hmmm...

Silverstein then demands 7.2 BILLION from the insurers, claiming that the two towers' hits count as two separate Acts of Terrorism. He eventually DOES get the 7.2 BILLION dollar insurance payout. I wonder what the odds would have been for that succession of events to take place unplanned -- only seven weeks into a 99-year lease...

One would think that these facts alone would strike absolutely everyone as being suspicious. Is the practice of mass mind control that effective?



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