Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Updated version of The American Monetary Act

I thought today -- the 18th -- would be an appropriate day to post this. In numerology, the digits 1 and 8 are added together to 'reduce' the final number to 9 -- the number representing everything that 'rescues' humanity on both a large and small scale. So, in numerology -- the 9th, 18th, and 27th of each month are the best dates to address humanitarian causes.

Lately, it's beginning to look a lot like another 'Black Tuesday' is looming on the horizon. If/When we enter another Great Depression, and the responsible parties all follow their buddy Lesar to the United Arab Emirates (Good riddance) -- will this be what saves us?

From the American Monetary Institute:

"Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute,

Attached is the "American Money Scene" 4th bulletin. I hope you enjoy it.
(Since time management isn't one of my better skills, I finally just read all the way through the bulletin. It's amazing how much important information I miss whenever I make an attempt at skim-reading.)

Also Attached is the latest version, in color of the American Monetary Act pamphlet. It places the Act into historical perspective which serves to explain what each section does. An important addition to the act is Section 503 which gives the Act a special local significance, through grants to the states for local use. The amounts are based on the amount of money created the prior year.

The fact is that EVERYWHERE, the states, counties and cities are under an obscene financial pressure to cut back on worthwhile and essential activities, including police, fire, health care, education, etc. The explicit intention to defund government at all levels leaves our population at the mercy of the financial companies which have presently usurped the money-creation process from our society - the "Enrons" of finance.

Section 503 serves to reverse that process. This gives us a crucial talking point with all local elected officials from state senators and reps to governors, county boards, mayors and school boards, etc. This gives us an entree to introducing the money reform concepts to any and all of them. These local elected officials can become our strongest ally in forcing monetary reforms at the national level.

Warm regards to all,
Stephen Zarlenga

P.S. Remember our AMI Monetary Reform Conference speakers have all been requested to tie in their presentations to explain how the present privately controlled monetary system creates a motivation for warfare (see the attached American Money Scene). Register by May 15 to obtain the discount."

Since the updated version of the American Monetary Act and the "American Money Scene" - 4th bulletin were sent as Attachments, I can't provide direct links to them. So, here is the link to the American Monetary Institute, where the updated version of the American Monetary Act can be viewed (Bulletin #4 of the "American Money Scene" doesn't appear to be linked at the site yet):



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