Friday, May 04, 2007

Senator Mike Gravel at SC Debates

"It's like going into the Senate. The first time you get there, you're all excited -- "My God, how did I ever get here?" But then about six months later, you say "How the hell did the rest of 'em get here?"

"What we need to do is begin to deal with the rest of the world as equals, but we don't do that."

"The military-industrial complex controls not only our government -- lock, stock, and barrel, but they control our culture."

"With respect to Iran... We've sanctioned them for twenty-six years. We scared the b-jesus out of them when the president said "They're evil." Well you know something? These things don't work -- they don't work. We need to recognize them (referring to the people of Iran)."

"Who is the greatest violator of the non-proliferation treaty? The United States of America. We signed a pledge that we would begin to disarm, and we're not doing it. We're expanding our nukes."


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